How do I log in to Kanopy?

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There will be two times you will login-- with a Kanopy account and your college account.

If the screen asks for an Email, you are at the Kanopy login screen.  It looks like this:

Kanopy Login Screen

You must have a kanopy account.  If you do not have an account, follow the steps on screen to create one.

When you have your account information handy, click on LOG IN in the upper right corner. 

Your Kanopy login credentials are the email address you used to sign up for your account, and your Kanopy password.

When you are prompted for your Chabot College credentials, you will enter  your W# and your classweb password.  .This one will most often show up first, but sometimes the other login screen will be the first one.  


W ID = your W ID number

Password = your MyPortal password.

Remember, you need to login via both methods before you can view a film.


  • Last Updated Jan 29, 2025
  • Views 274
  • Answered By

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